Launching Virtual Machines
This tutorial is part of the Cloud Starter Series.
Back to Cloud StarterCategory: Beginner
Difficulty: 1 out of 5
Duration: 25 minutes
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Networks, Security Groups and Key Pair
For basic usage, we are going to choose Classic Provider.
You can learn more about making your own private networks and other networking topics in our Advanced Networking tutorial.
Security Groups
Use the up-arrow button to select the SSH security group.
If you’re following the Cloud Starter Curriculum, you created this in the tutorial Security groups, the absolute basics
Key Pair
Use the up-arrow button to select your public key.
What was this?
If you’re following the Cloud Starter Curriculum, you created this in the tutorial Creating a keypair for use in Nectar
Don’t forget the keys!
For connecting to your instance using SSH you must select a key pair.
Optional tabs
The tabs Configuration, Server Groups and Metadata are optional and are not part of this tutorial.