
Using the command line

In this section, we are going to use the Openstack command line tool to create and manage the database instances.


To use the command line tool, you’ll need:

  • The OpenStackClient and python-troveclient tools installed
  • Your OpenStack API credentials set up in your environment

Setting up your credentials
If you haven’t set these up previously, you should follow the OpenStack CLIs tutorial first, which will guide you through the process of setting up your credentials and installing the command line tools.

List all database instances

$ openstack database instance list
| ID                                   | Name     | Datastore | Datastore Version | Status | Flavor ID                            | Size | Region    |
| 5de589ae-195e-4859-ae6f-8bd014094bd3 | tutorial | MySQL     | 8.0-12            | ACTIVE | 325c919d-b523-4960-968c-f2baffafff94 |   10 | Melbourne |

Get latest MySQL datastore versions

$ openstack datastore version list MySQL
| ID                                   | Name   |
| 058fdeaa-ac3b-4881-a2f5-56a3aba468ef | 8.0-17 |
| 21551ca0-d09b-4f4f-a2c4-dc5c64c7c50c | 5.7-18 |

Note: older versions will not be displayed

Create a new database instance

Execute the below command to create a MySQL database instance, with a 1GB volume:

This will use the default MySQL version and only allow access from

$ openstack database instance create --flavor db3.small --datastore MySQL --size 1 --availability_zone melbourne-qh2 --allowed-cidr my-database-instance
| Property          | Value                                |
| allowed_cidrs     | ['']                   |
| created           | 2020-03-27T00:58:13                  |
| datastore         | MySQL                                |
| datastore_version | 8.0-17                               |
| flavor            | 325c919d-b523-4960-968c-f2baffafff94 |
| hostname          |          |
| id                | 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95 |
| name              | my-database-instance                 |
| region            | Melbourne                            |
| status            | BUILD                                |
| updated           | 2020-03-27T00:58:13                  |
| volume            | 1                                    |

$ openstack database instance list
| ID                                   | Name                 | Datastore | Datastore Version | Status | Flavor ID                            | Size | Region    |
| 5de589ae-195e-4859-ae6f-8bd014094bd3 | tutorial             | MySQL     | 8.0-12            | ACTIVE | 325c919d-b523-4960-968c-f2baffafff94 |   10 | Melbourne |
| 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95 | my-database-instance | MySQL     | 8.0-17            | BUILD  | 325c919d-b523-4960-968c-f2baffafff94 |    1 | Melbourne |

Show details of a database instance

$ openstack database instance show 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95
| Property          | Value                                |
| allowed_cidrs     | ['']                   |
| created           | 2020-03-27T00:58:13                  |
| datastore         | MySQL                                |
| datastore_version | 8.0-17                               |
| flavor            | 325c919d-b523-4960-968c-f2baffafff94 |
| hostname          |          |
| id                | 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95 |
| name              | my-database-instance                 |
| region            | Melbourne                            |
| status            | ACTIVE                               |
| updated           | 2020-03-27T00:58:27                  |
| volume            | 1                                    |
| volume_used       | 0.13                                 |

Update the instances firewall to only allow certain IP addresses

$ openstack database instance update --allowed-cidr --allowed-cidr 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95
$ openstack database instance show 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95
| Property          | Value                                |
| allowed_cidrs     | ['', '']    |
| created           | 2020-03-27T00:58:13                  |
| datastore         | MySQL                                |
| datastore_version | 8.0-17                               |
| flavor            | 325c919d-b523-4960-968c-f2baffafff94 |
| hostname          |          |
| id                | 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95 |
| name              | my-database-instance                 |
| region            | Melbourne                            |
| status            | ACTIVE                               |
| updated           | 2020-03-27T00:58:27                  |
| volume            | 1                                    |
| volume_used       | 0.13                                 |

Create and list a backup

$ openstack database backup create 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95 tutorial_backup2
| Property          | Value                                |
| created           | 2020-03-27T02:49:25                  |
| datastore         | MySQL                                |
| datastore_version | 8.0-17                               |
| description       | None                                 |
| id                | 092e35ec-b034-473d-ba33-1676cf378bbe |
| instance_id       | 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95 |
| locationRef       | None                                 |
| name              | tutorial_backup2                     |
| parent_id         | None                                 |
| size              | None                                 |
| status            | NEW                                  |
| updated           | 2020-03-27T02:49:25                  |

$ openstack database backup list
| ID                                   | Instance ID                          | Name             | Status    | Parent ID | Updated             |
| 3d9b2cdc-0182-4154-994d-35e48574cd41 | 5de589ae-195e-4859-ae6f-8bd014094bd3 | tutorial_backup  | COMPLETED | None      | 2020-03-25T10:33:19 |
| 092e35ec-b034-473d-ba33-1676cf378bbe | 7f465a9e-92ec-48d7-81a2-85264e7b5c95 | tutorial_backup2 | COMPLETED | None      | 2020-03-27T02:49:31 |

Create and list a database

$ openstack database db create 5de589ae-195e-4859-ae6f-8bd014094bd3 tutorial_cli
$ openstack database db list 5de589ae-195e-4859-ae6f-8bd014094bd3
| Name         |
| tutorial     |
| tutorial_cli |
| tutorial_new |

Create a database user

In this exercise, we are going to create a new user tutorial_cli_user for the newly created database tutorial_cli.

$ openstack database user create 5de589ae-195e-4859-ae6f-8bd014094bd3 tutorial_cli_user 123456 --databases tutorial_cli
$ openstack database user list 5de589ae-195e-4859-ae6f-8bd014094bd3
| Name              | Host | Databases    |
| admin             | %    | tutorial     |
| tutorial_cli_user | %    | tutorial_cli |
| tutorial_renamed  | %    | tutorial     |

More information

You can get a list of the available datastore and database commands by runnin openstack help datastore or openstack help database.

To get help on a specific command, give the full command to database help; e.g. openstack help database user create. This will give a synopsis of the command along with the documentation of the options and arguments.

It is also possible to interact with the Database service programatically; e.g. using the python-troveclient libraries or by sending requests to the web APIs.

Up Next:

10. Next Steps