
Creating and Deleting Databases

As we saw earlier, you can specify a list of initial databases to create when launching a new Database Instance. The Dashboard provides a simple way to add more databases, or remove them. (You can also create and delete databases using the database’s native tools.)

Create a new Database

In this exercise, we are going to create a new database called tutorial_new in an existing Database instance.

  1. Navigate to the Project / Database / Instances page.
  2. Click the database instance name tutorial.
  3. Click the Databases tab. Create database tab page
  4. Click Create Database button
  5. Enter tutorial_new in the Name field. Create database dialog
  6. Click Create Database button.
  7. You should see database tutorial_new has been created and is listed in the page. Create database tab page with new database

Delete an existing Database

In this exercise, we are going to delete the tutorial_new database that we just created.

  1. Navigate to the Project / Database / Instances page.
  2. Click the database instance name tutorial.
  3. Click the Databases tab.
  4. Find the row for the tutorial_new database which we created above.
  5. Click the Delete Database button.
  6. In the Confirm Delete Database dialog, click the Delete Database button.
  7. The page will refresh to show that the database has gone.