
Advanced Database Instance Management

In this section, we will describe some advanced Database Instance management functions.

Attach Configuration Group

A configuration group is used to apply database parameters. In this exercise, we are going to attach a configuration group to a database instance.

  1. Navigate to the Project / Database / Configuration Groups page Configuration group dialog
  2. Click the Create Configuration Group button to start the Create Configuration Group Dialog Configuration group dialog
  3. Enter tutorial_mysql in Name field. Select your MySQL datastore version in the the Datastore drop down list. Configuration group dialog
  4. Click the Create Configuration Group button.
  5. Once the configuration group is created. Click the tutorial_mysql name. Configuration group list page with instance
  6. In the configuration group details page, click the Add Parameter button. Configuration group details page
  7. Select auto_increment_increment in the ‘Name’ drop down list and enter 10 in the Value field. Add parameter dialog
  8. Click the ‘Add Parameter’ button and you should see auto_increment_increment is listed in the Configuration Group Detail page. Parameter list page
  9. Navigate to the Project / Database / Instances page. Click the Attach Configuration Group from the actions list of your tutorial instance. Instance list page with action list
  10. In the Attach Configuration Group dialog, select tutorial_mysql from the Configuration Group drop down list. Note: it may be necessary to restart the database instance for this new configuration group to take effect. Attach Configuration Group Dialog

Enable Database Root Access

By default, your database has no root access. In this exercise, we are going to enable root access.

  1. Navigate to the Project / Database / Instances page and click Manage Root Access from the actions list of your tutorial instance. Instance list page with action list
  2. Click the Enable Root button. A new root password will be generated. Enable Root Access Dialog