Volume Storage
Category: Beginner
Difficulty: 1 out of 5
Duration: 21 minutes
1. Overview
2. Allocation for Volume Storage
3. Create and Attach
4. Format and Mount
5. Accessing the Volume
6. Check your Storage
7. Unmount and Detach
8. Increasing your Volume Size
9. Next Steps
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Check your Storage
Your attached and mounted volume storage will behave like any other disk/block device in Linux. Here are some commands that can help you to look at your mounted storage blocks and keep track of their usage:
for Listing Block devices
$ lsblk
for free disk space
$ df -hT
for disk usage
du -h <path/to/directory>
Don’t forget you can access the man
-pages for these commands like this:
$ man lsblk
$ man df
$ man du