Virtual Desktop Service

Log in and setup

Go to the Virtual Desktop Service home page.

You can log in using your AAF or Tuakiri credentials (your institutional email address and password).

  1. Click the Sign In button.

    Virtual Desktop Service homepage

  2. Select the AAF Identity Provider if your institution is Australian, or Tuakiri for New Zealand. Follow the prompts to log in. You will also need to read and agree to the Terms of Service.

    Choose your Identity Provider buttons

  3. Click the Create Workspace button.

    Create Workspace button

  4. This will lead to the Workspace proposal page. Here you need to fill in some basic details about your intended use of the Virtual Desktop Service. This includes Title, Project Description, Chief Investigator and Field of Research Codes. Once this is complete, click Submit. Note: You can edit your Workspace details after submission.

    Form to create a new Workspace

  5. Once successful, you will see a message that you haven’t created a Desktop.

    Button to Explore the Desktop Library

Setting the time zone

Before creating a Virtual Desktop, let’s set the timezone.

  1. Click on your email address in top right corner and select Profile.

    Email address drop down menu

  2. Select your desired timezone using the dropdown box, then click Save.

    User Profile details and Timezone menu

Configuring the Desktop

  1. To get back to our Desktop home page, click the Virtual Desktop Service text in the top left corner.

  2. Click Explore or scroll down to view the Desktop Library.

    Button to Explore the Desktop Library

  3. Select from the Operating Systems listed. For this tutorial, we will use Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal). Click View Details. Information about the Operating system will be displayed, including the default size, boost size, features, and what this desktop is great for.

    View Details button for Ubuntu 20.04 Focal

  4. Once you have selected your desired Operating System, click the Create Desktop button. If you wish to consider other options, follow the link at the bottom of the page to explore other desktops.

    Buttons to Create Ubuntu Desktop or explore other desktops

  5. If prompted to select your preferred availability zone, then select Default zone to let the system choose. Some Desktops will have an availability zone preselected. Click Create.

    Create Desktop window asking to select availability zone

  6. You should now see the magic happening, with a progress bar showing your Virtual Desktop being built. This may take some time, so please be patient.

    Loading screen saying to wait for your Virtual Desktop to be ready

  7. Once it’s complete, you will see a screen with the Operating System chosen, and buttons to Open Desktop, Reboot, Shelve, Extend, Boost, and Delete.

    Screen with selected operating system and buttons to manage the desktop

Desktop is ready to go!
Well done. You’ve got your Virtual Desktop switched on, in the next tutorial we will open and navigate the desktop itself as well as do some basic tasks.