Cloud Starter Series

Category: Series

Difficulty: 1 out of 5

Duration: 160 minutes

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Building Australia's Research Data Structure


Welcome to the Nectar Research Cloud Cloud Starter series. In this series we’ve put together all the tutorials that you need to get started using the Cloud.

If you have never used or interacted with the Cloud before, best to start with our Prereading section first.

Tutorial Series In this tutorial series we will point you to a number of our tutorials. We recommend you follow all these tutorials in order.

Technical curriculum This series is technical in nature. You will learn how to use the cloud, not why. It is also entry-level: you’ll learn one (easy) way of doing some things, not all.

What you’ll learn

  • Setting up prerequisites
    Public-Private keypair and Security Groups
  • Launching and connecting
    Launching and connecting to your Virtual Machine (VM)
  • Installing/updating software
    Using the command line on your VM
  • Data
    Move some data from your local machine to your instance.
  • Changing instances
    Rebooting, Resizing, Rebuilding and Deleting
  • Working with allocations
    Allocation Management: requests and expiry

What you’ll need

Australian Access Federation
Your access to Nectar Cloud services with your institutional login are facilitated through AAF (Australian Access Federation). If you do not have access through AAF, click here for other options.

Up Next:

2. Tutorials